
Shannon McGuire

Shannon McGuire
Location: Boise, Idaho Cohort Start Year: 2017 Populations Served: Children and Families, Hispanic/Latino/Latinx, Native/Tribal/Indigenous People, Puerto Rico and other U.S. Territories, Rural Communities
Chief Empowerment Officer
Spark Strategic Solutions, LLC

Idahoans face significant health challenges in food security, access to care, obesity, and mental health. The increase in rural Idaho’s social challenges has been rapid, often outpacing the proposed solutions from organizations and even entire sectors. This gap has created health inequities that require a comprehensive, cross-sector approach to addressing the root cause of disparity. My focus is to create reciprocal partnerships that result in observable, measurable impact to both fully maximize and mobilize resources. The intention is to build a statewide Culture of Health and provide evidence that everyone benefits from carefully planned progress.

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Foodsteads & Trade Nutritional Food Economy Hubs
FEED Cities creates Foodsteads&trade, which are community-based food sites that connect food system stakeholders, health providers, and non-profit partners to ensure people have equitable access to real food. This strategic initiative will support the pilot of the Ash Street Foodstead in Boise. In this space, residents will have the means and knowledge necessary to access quality, healthy, affordable food in a dignified way. This happens through a robust, diverse food economy that sustains farmers, the land, food producers, consumers, and a social belief that food is a key determinant of health. We are piloting this work in Boise, Idaho and are also performing a Foodstead&trade assessment in Homedale, Idaho. We have interest from four other cities in Idaho.

I am a social impact strategist who helps brands build vibrant communities.