
Brittney Drakeford

Brittney Drakeford
Location: Cottage City, Maryland Cohort Start Year: 2017 Project Topic: Built Environment/Housing/Planning Populations Served: Low-Income Communities, Urban Communities
Gethsemane United Methodist Church

Despite being one of the most affluent counties in the country, Prince George’s County, Maryland, has significant health and economic disparities. Many of these disparities can be attributed to suburban sprawl and land-use decisions over the course of nearly 50 years. To remedy these issues, I believe we need to reimagine community investment as an opportunity for neighbors to conspire to make their towns better through communal ownership, inclusivity, and long-term positive commitment.

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: The Capital Market of 20743: Linking Consumers to Farmers & Culturally Significant Food
The Capital Market of 20743 is a community-based farmers’ market that was started in 2018 and that is currently transitioning (as part of the strategic initiative) to an online and in-person farm hub connecting residents directly with farmers and culturally significant foods in their neighborhood. COVID-19 has greatly decimated the food system in Prince George’s County, which was already struggling prior to the global pandemic. The Capital Market of 20743 is a project that I have helped co-organize since 2019 and have been affiliated with since 2018 when it launched as an initiative of the Food Justice Coalition of 20743. As part of this process, I will continue working alongside residents in the 20743 neighborhood, as well as documenting residents’ experiences living in a community that is under-resourced.

Brittney is a radically hospitable urban planner and sixth-generation native of Prince George’s County. I am passionate about helping people in my hometown become more effective advocates for change.

Click here to watch Brittney’s Legacy Project video.