
Artina Sadler

Artina Sadler
Location: Flint, Michigan Cohort Start Year: 2017 Project Topics: Behavioral and Mental Health, Food Systems and Nutrition Populations Served: At-Risk/Vulnerable Populations, Immigrants and Refugees, Low-Income Communities, Urban Communities
Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer
Huron-Clinton Metroparks

My primary focus is to increase access to and consumption of healthy food and to support the creation of a sustainable food system for Genesee County, Michigan. My methodology is equitable engagement and relationship building. I work with all food system players with the goal of demonstrating true partnership, interconnection, and the strength of togetherness. My ultimate goal is an equitable, sustainable food system that operates without my input or presence.

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Reconnecting People of Color to Nature’s Healing Power
To connect or reconnect people of color to the healing power of nature; through active experiences (i.e., camping, fishing, hiking, meditation, etc.) as a means of managing stress and enhancing physical and mental health.

I strive to be a person who walks in integrity and truth. I believe in work that is larger than me. I do not seek agreement but expansion of thought, ideas, and actions. I believe in bringing my whole self to everything (lived and professional experiences, skills, knowledge, and abilities) and greatly appreciate it when others do the same. I want to not only be better but to do better, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Click here to watch Artina’s Legacy Project video.